Charles Miller

Senior Policy Advisor, Texas 2036

Charles Miller

Charles works to improve the affordability and accessibility of health care. During the 2021 Legislative Session, he worked on bills and efforts to improve health insurance markets, optimize price transparency, and improve the efficiency and value of the health care industry in Texas so that Texans are able to access and afford quality care when they need it.

During the 2023 Session, he worked on bills to reduce anti-competitive contracting practices that impede employers and insurers from designing more optimal benefit plans, build upon existing price transparency requirements and improving compliance, and improving the way that employers and the state design health benefit plans to maximize the affordability of quality care.  

Charles joined Texas 2036 after serving as a Budget & Policy Advisor for Governor Greg Abbott. Charles advised on a broad range of issues, including health care, insurance, workforce development, elections, information resources, cybersecurity, and first amendment issues and civil law.

Charles is a recovering attorney, having previously practiced insurance defense litigation. He lives in Austin with his wife and three children. When not working, he enjoys traveling the world, hiking, smoking meats, playing ice hockey, and arguing strenuously in favor of Notre Dame's football independence.

Hilton Americas
NOV 6-8
Registration Ends 10/23